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The Pineapple is a tropical fruit that thrives exclusively in the Island Reef.

While the pineapple is technically a consumable crop, it doesn't reproduce additional pineapples after planting.

When you encounter a pineapple, consider it a delightful addition to the island’s aesthetics rather than a prolific food source.


Source Input Output
Inv Cooking Table Cooking Table 1 Inv Damper Damper

1 Inv Cooked Meat Cooked Meat
1 Inv High Quality Cheese High Quality Cheese
1 Inv Big Fried Egg Big Fried Egg
1 Inv Tomato Tomato
1 Inv Beetroot Beetroot
1 Inv Pineapple Pineapple

1 Inv Lot Burger Lot Burger
Inv Food Modeller Food Modeller 10 Inv Pineapple Pineapple 1 Inv Pineapple Box Pineapple Box

BeetrootCabbageCarrotCoffee BeanCornGreen BeanKaleMighty SpreadOnionPotatoPumpkinRiceSugar CaneTomatoWatermelonWheat