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Max hosts the fish competition on the 22nd of both Summer and Winter. A prerequisite for Max to appear at the Visitors Site is that the Museum requires to be built and Theodore has moved in.

Note: Read Max's message for details on what to catch.

  • To enter the competition, the player must sign-up using the log book in his tent. This can be done before the Comp starts.
  • The competition starts at 9am and finishes at 4pm.
  • Use the Comp Fishing Rod for the competition.
  • Purchase a Comp Fishing Rod from Max for Inv Dinks 4,400. Visiting players will be able to purchase as well.
  • The player will obtain points when catching Barracuda.
  • Recommend consuming foods that have the fishing buff.
  • Points must be logged in the same book before the competition ends at 4pm or they will be uncounted.
  • The player can keep going back to log their points throughout the duration of the competition.
  • Fish can be released or placed down after being caught as the points are added at the time of capture.
  • Max will purchase any fish during or outside the competition, until 7pm. He will buy them at a mark up rate of 2.5 times their value.
  • The entire island will join in on the competition pitting the player against the other inhabitants.
  • Visiting players may also join the competition.
  • Placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd will award the player a trophy in the mailbox the next day.