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Different types of Bridges can be made at the Crafting Table after obtaining the Building Licence Level 1 from Fletch. This licence is unlocked after purchasing Logging Licence Level 1.

To place a bridge down both sides require to be the same height. No items can be placed under the bridge. If grass tufts, flowers or rocks are under the bridge they will disappear on placement. Paving tiles can be placed under the bridge prior to placement.

While holding the bridge in the inventory it shows as a clipboard in the player's hand. Left click (mouse) will show a green or red highlight of the bridge. Use WASD keys to move the placement around or E to rotate. When the bridge is a green highlight use the left mouse button to place it down.

A bridge is 2 tiles wide, whereas the wide bridge is 3 tiles wide. A bridge can extend from 3 tiles to 15 tiles.

To break a wooden bridge, use an Axe or Chainsaw at one end of the bridge or to break a brick bridge, use a Pickaxe or Jackhammer at one end of the bridge. If the wrong tool is being used there will be a 'donk' type noise. Locate and pick up the clipboard, which is the bridge.


Source Input Output Base Selling Price
Inv Crafting Table Crafting Table 4 Inv Bag of Cement Bag of Cement

15 Inv Stone Stone

1 Inv Brick Bridge Brick Bridge (2 x tiles wide)

alternate 1 Inv Wide Brick Bridge Wide Brick Bridge (3 x tiles wide)

Inv Dinks 238
Inv Crafting Table Crafting Table 15 Inv Bag of Cement Bag of Cement

1 Inv Tin Bar Tin Bar

1 Inv Cement Bridge Cement Bridge (2 x tiles wide)

alternate 1 Inv Cement Bridge Wide Cement Bridge (3 x tiles wide)

Inv Dinks 812
Inv Crafting Table Crafting Table 15 Inv Nails Nails

15 Inv Gum Wood Plank Gum Wood Plank

1 Inv Gum Wood Bridge Gum Wood Bridge (2 x tiles wide)

alternate 1 Inv Wide Gum Wood Bridge Wide Gum Wood Bridge (3 x tiles wide)

Inv Dinks 4,275
Inv Crafting Table Crafting Table 15 Inv Nails Nails

15 Inv Hard Wood Plank Hard Wood Plank

1 Inv Hard Wood Bridge Hard Wood Bridge (2 x tiles wide)

alternate 1 Inv Wide Hard Wood Bridge Wide Hard Wood Bridge (3 x tiles wide)

Inv Dinks 6,150
Inv Crafting Table Crafting Table 5 Inv Iron Bar Iron Bar 1 Inv Iron Bridge Iron Bridge (2 x tiles wide)

alternate 1 Inv Wide Iron Bridge Wide Iron Bridge (3 x tiles wide)

Inv Dinks 12,500
Inv Crafting Table Crafting Table 15 Inv Nails Nails

15 Inv Palm Wood Plank Palm Wood Plank

1 Inv Palm Wood Bridge Palm Wood Bridge (2 x tiles wide)

alternate 1 Inv Wide Palm Wood Bridge Wide Palm Wood Bridge (3 x tiles wide)

Inv Dinks 5,681

