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The player can harvest 4Inv Apple Apples from an Apple Tree in the Pine Forest Biome.


Source Input Time Output
Inv Campfire Campfire 1 Inv Apple Apple 8 seconds 1 Inv Cooked Apple Cooked Apple
Inv BBQ BBQ 1 Inv Apple Apple 4 seconds 1 Inv Cooked Apple Cooked Apple
Inv Billy Can Kit Billy Can Kit 10 Inv Apple Apples 600 seconds 1 Inv Apple Jam Apple Jam
Inv Cooking Kettle Cooking Kettle 10 Inv Apple Apples 1 Inv Apple Jam Apple Jam

Source Input Output
Inv Food Modeller Food Modeller 10 Inv Apple Apple 1 Inv Apple Box Apple Box
Inv Cooking Table Cooking Table 2 Inv Bush Lime Bush Lime

2 Inv Apple Apple
2 Inv Bananas Bananas
2 Inv Quandong Quandong

1 Inv Fruit Salad Fruit Salad

How to Plant A Tree[]

How To Plant a Tree

Townsperson Likes and Dislikes[]
