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Nancy Airport

The player can unlock access to the Island Reef by obtaining the Airport Deed from Fletch from Year 2 after all NPCs have moved in. This will put the town into Inv Dinks 2,500,000 debt.

It can be placed anywhere in a 6x5 level area and is able to be moved by talking to Fletch about the town.

The Airport offers day trips on Sundays and is operated by Nancy.


The Inv Airport Deed Airport Deed is acquired from Fletch from Year 2 after all NPCs have moved in.

Fletch will give the player the deed to decide where to place it. Construction will not start until all the required materials have been placed inside the deposit box on the build site.

There is a donation box in the Base Tent/Town Hall to pay off the Town Debt.

All debts need to be paid off in full before another deed can be applied for.

After construction commences it will take 2 nights to complete.


Source Deed Input Time Output Town Debt
NPC Fletch Fletch Inv Airport Deed Airport Deed Building materials required once placed

25 Inv Gum Wood Plank Gum Wood Plank
25 Inv Palm Wood Plank Palm Wood Plank
15 Inv Bag of Cement Bag of Cement
10 Inv Iron Bar Iron Bar
10 Inv Copper Bar Copper Bar
10 Inv Quartz Crystal Quartz Crystal
5 Inv Cloth Cloth

2 nights Airport Inv Dinks 2,500,000

Going Up[]

To travel to Island Reef, a Inv Boarding Pass Boarding Pass must be purchased at the Airport from Nancy on a Sunday for Inv Dinks 250,000.

There are two posters in the airship on the Pilot's door:

  • Top: Crew Only
  • Bottom: Boarding Pass

With a boarding pass in the player's inventory, activate the airship flight by selecting "Use" on the Pilot's door. Items, such as storage boxes, may not be placed in the airship, but large carriable items that are dropped on the floor will stay in the airship while travelling. The player can thus drop any Aquamarines in the airship to bring back with them.

Moving a Building[]

To move a building, visit Fletch, select Lets talk about the town and I want to move a building.

  • The deed list provided is for the buildings currently in the town. Select the one to relocate.
  • Relocating a building will put the town Inv Dinks 25,000 in debt.
  • Place the deed down in the new location. (Note: The new building placement cannot occupy the same area as the current building so the player must move the building to a vacant spot large enough for it first, then move it again if they wanted to move a building 1 tile or so over.)
  • The building will be moved over night.
  • No additional materials are required.
    • All the materials are here. Construction will start tomorrow.
  • If a building is already being relocated, this needs to conclude before another building can be moved.

Buildings pageCategory:Buildings
AirportBand StandBankBase TentDeep MineFranklyn's LabGuest HouseHouseIrwin's BarnIsland ReefJimmy's BoatJohn's GoodsMelvin FurnitureMuseumRayne's GreenhouseSally's SalonTentThreadspaceTown HallTuckerboxUndergroveWish Fountain